
Food and Fitness with Mahri

We’ve never been particularly graceful on the dance floor, but it didn't stop us from trying one of Mahri’s Body Conceptions classes. Mahri was a professional dancer and performer in New York City before venturing into the world of fitness. She was also a trainer at the Tracy Anderson Method and the creative director for FlyBarre at Flywheel Sports before developing Body Conceptions. Needless to say, Mahri knows a thing or two about body sculpting.

…. But it’s not just her classes that have us sweating. Her physique nearly mirrors perfection and her genuine energy is unmatchable. We wanted to know how she does it, so we sat down with her to talk a little food and fitness…


What does a day in the life of Mahri look like?

I get up between 5:30 and 7 am. My morning consists of a big breakfast and a walk with my dog. I then commute into the city (New York) where I lead 3-4 workouts per day. In between workouts I usually have meetings and take calls. I make my little stops for lunch and coffee between classes. In the evenings, I try to relax and have a nice dinner with my friends or my boyfriend. But of course, sometimes the end of the day still means going home and working.

What are 3 staples always in your fridge and why?

1.     Coconut Milk. I use it in my smoothies, coffee, and cereal.

2.     Bananas. I try to have one everyday as a source of potassium for my muscles. I’ve never had a muscle cramp in my life!

3.     Dog Treats. I’m not going to explain that one.

What is your go-to food before and after a workout?

Egg whites and turkey on a wrap before I workout. For me personally, I need to load up on protein and carbs because of how much I workout. I don’t tell my clients to eat as much as me though! After a class I go for a meal with protein, like the hummus wrap from juice press, or a salad with protein from Just Salad or Sweetgreen.

How do you stay hydrated between all of your workouts?

This is my biggest problem and I know I need to work on it. I don’t drink enough water because I don’t like it. It’s too plain! I do love WTRMLN WTR though – it’s just watermelon, water, and lemon juice. So I go for that.

What’s your favorite meal of the day?


Breakfast. I go to bed sometimes dreaming of breakfast.

You’re on an island and can only bring 3 things with you. Go.

 1.     Music.

2.     Workout gear (so I can dance around).

3.     Bananas.

Any food you won’t touch?


Favorite restaurant in NYC?

It’s between ABC kitchen and Peacefood café.

What do you tell your clients who want to look like you?

Everyone is different. It’s about finding something that’s sustainable that works for them. I’ll tell them to do my workouts in a way they can keep up, so it becomes something they crave. If they overdo it, it’s not going to last.

How many times per week would you recommend someone to do BoCo?

At least three times per week if they want to see how it affects their body. I also support cross training, like spin or cardio on top of BoCo.

Biggest mistake you tell clients not to make?

Don’t be all or nothing.

What song right now really gets your workout going?

Lift me up – David Guetta (feat. Nico & Vinz)

What does being healthy mean to you?

Living a sustainable, happy lifestyle that includes healthy choices everyday. If I put too many rules on myself I know I will break them.  It’s about creating a balance.