
Spotlight On: Spirulina


Today we are introducing spirulina. Now, unless you're like us and you opt to browse the aisles of health food stores for fun, you may have never heard of it. We'd like to change that, because this is one weird green powder that we are really into. 

What is it?

Spirulina is a natural blue-green algae that is extremely nutrient rich. While we wish we could sugar coat it (we really do), you can find spirulina in powder or capsule form, as it tastes exactly how you might imagine - like pond scum! Because of this, if you chose to try the powder form, the best way to do so is by adding it to a smoothie to dilute the taste. Are you excited to try it yet? 

Sounds gross. Why should I be eating this algae?

  • It contains 65% protein, including all essential amino acids
  • The same compound that gives it it's blue-green color is a potent antioxidant that can fight harmful free radicals 
  • It is high in omega-3's and is one of the few foods that contains GLA, an essential fatty acid known for it's anti-inflammatory properties
  • Spirulina is most famously known for its high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll has several benefits: it can bind to toxins in the body and inhibit them from being absorbed, promotes healing in the body, and may even suppress hunger and cravings
  • It offers a bioavailable form of iron, which is a great option for vegans and vegetarians looking for new ways to add protein to their diets 
  • It provides B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc 
  • It may aid in fat burning during exercise
  • There is evidence that it may help lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and have anti-cancer properties
  • Basically: there are tons of good reasons to label spirulina a superfood 

Ok fine, I'll try it. How do I use it?

Try our Spirulina Smoothie! You'll reap the benefits without suffering the taste

Ingredients (serves 1):

spirulina smoothie
  • 1/2 frozen banana (add a cup of ice if banana isn't frozen)
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1-2 cups spinach
  • 1 cup almond milk 
  • 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • Option: 1 teaspoon chia seeds

Blend until smooth and creamy and enjoy! 

Tovita Tip: Make sure to refrigerate your spirulina powder!

For more info on spirulina, check out this extensive overview by Well-Being Secrets!

CooCoo for Coconut Oil

These days, coconut oil is as much of a household staple as peanut butter (or is that just among us health freaks)? Though there are good reasons why coconut oil is awarded the title "world's friendliest fat," we still understand why some people have been hesitant about jumping on the bandwagon. It is a saturated fat after all, and we have been taught to avoid those at all costs. It's also energy dense, about 117 calories per tablespoon. So why are we singing coconut oil's praises? 

coconut oil

Coconut oil is a saturated fat, indeed. However, it is a plant source meaning it does not have any link to increased risk for heart disease or raising cholesterol. In fact, lauric acid, a medium chain triglyceride (MCT) in coconut oil, has been shown to increase HDL (the good cholesterol), improving overall cholesterol ratios.

These MCT's you may have heard about are miracle fats. They are metabolized differently than long chain fatty acids, which are found in most fat sources. They are sent directly from the digestive tract to the liver, where they are either used immediately for energy or converted into ketone bodies, an energy source for the heart and brain during fasting or low carbohydrate intake. Long-chain fatty acids on the other hand are more likely to be stored. The MCT's have been shown to boost metabolism and help break down stored fats. 

spectrum coconut oil

We also love the fact that coconut oil has several beauty uses. Aside from its culinary purpose, it can also be used as skin lotion, lip balm, eye-makeup remover, to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, as a frizz-fighter, or hair mask! Our personal recommendation? Saturate (no pun intended) your hair in about a teaspoon of oil and let it sit overnight. Wash it out in the morning with shampoo. We just saved you the cost of your next deep conditioning treatment, you're welcome. We bet a tub of coconut oil could replace a lot of those products you have taking over your bathroom cabinet!

Remember, coconut oil is high in calories and fat, so while there are many health benefits, we do not recommend consuming more than a tablespoon per day.